
General Practitioner

Eidolon Bluminator

The Eidolon® BLUMINATOR® ophthalmic iluminator revolutionizes examinations of the cornea. Its lens provides an unobscured 7x image, while an LED produces an intense, spectrally pure beam of blue light, which causes foreign bodies, abrasions, and other epithelial defects to fluoresce vividly during examinations with fluorescein.
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Pan-Optic Opthalmoscope

Developed and patented by Welch Allyn—creator of the world’s first hand-held direct- illuminating ophthalmoscope—the PanOptic is a breakthrough concept in veterinary ophthalmoscopy. Thanks to an innovative, proprietary optical design known as Axial PointSourceTM Optics, the PanOptic allows all veterinarians to easily examine the fundus.
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Optibrand ClearView Optical Imaging System

Today, successful veterinary practices are realizing the benefits of offering expanded services to their clients. Whether it’s part of an overall wellness program or an enhancement to current diagnostic tools, the addition of specialized services makes for healthier pets, satisfied pet owners and a better bottom line. Now there’s an easy way for you to augment the quality of your care. The Optibrand ClearView™ Optical Imaging System is an easy-to-use, affordable, advanced diagnostic tool for ophthalmic use. 
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Eidolon 510L

The ultraportable Model 510L is a popular diagnostic instrument for examination of anterior segment structures and ocular abnormalities. Its patented optical system produces a high-brightness, continuously adjustable slit image. Ideal wherever a tabletop slit lamp is impractical or unavailable, the Model 510L is particularly suited for pediatric and geriatric settings, emergency departments, screenings, ward rounds, bedside examinations, post-op evaluations, and mission work.
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Refurbished Tono-Pen VET

The Tono-Pen unit is gently tapped on the cornea where four measurements are taken. The unit then displays an average of the readings along with an accompanying coefficient of variance. Battery power operates the pen for about 600 patients while sanitized tip covers are used to eliminate cross contamination. Dan Scott & Associates offers the lowest prices guaranteed
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Volk Lenses

Advanced Double Aspheric designs, exclusive to Volk, provide clear fundus imaging and precise laser beam transmission. Only top quality GLASS is used in Volk BIO lenses, providing long lasting and superior optical quality.
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Speciality Ophthalmology

Keeler Vantage Plus

Keeler has designed this unique one step movement to make your examinations easier and faster. The (IOS) mechanism (patent pending) means that when you select the small, medium or large aperture the optics automatically adjust, providing 3 dimensional stereoscopic views…
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Reichert Slit Lamp PSL

PSL Portable Slit LampThe Reichert PSL Portable Slit Lamp utilizes a high luminance white LED (Light Emitting Diode) light source, coupled with a lightweight, compact design, to give you the freedom of using a slit lamp in the palm of…
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Refurbished Tono-Pen VET

The Tono-Pen unit is gently tapped on the cornea where four measurements are taken. The unit then displays an average of the readings along with an accompanying coefficient of variance. Battery power operates the pen for about 600 patients while…
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